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Moving pictures have consistently been shown to deliver strong results both in the long and short term, regardless of the screen size.

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Long form, engaging creative drives business results. Based on ROI index by online video duration, we see that ads longer than 1 minute in duration see the highest ROI.


Online shopping is the new window shopping. 63% of people globally say they bought something online that they saw in a YouTube video.

It’s not what you think. Online channels such as search, display, and digital video drive 42% of in-store sales, while offline channels such as out-of-home and TV drive 40% of online sales.


Connect the dots. 70% of all consumer journeys involve a Google touchpoint such as Search, YouTube, or Maps.

When researching products online, 1 in 3 consumers will choose their second choice brand over their first choice because it shows up on the search page.

The returns of paid search marketing are 2X with online fulfillment.